Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful To GOD

 Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD

We often forget to think about things we should be grateful for in life-

Be Thankful Scripture,Be Thankful,Things To Be Thankful For,Be Thankful to GOD



Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD One of the most precious things in life are family, and we should appreciate every moment we have together. We often take the family for granted. It’s not until you’re 30 years old that you really understand how important family is, whether it’s your relationship with your mother or father, siblings or your spouse and children. It’s really important to let them know how much you appreciate them. Some people grow up without a family, not knowing anything about them, or they grow up unlovedBe Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
2. Friends and loved ones
These are the people you can trust, be honest with, speak to about anything going on in your life. It’s important to look after those loved ones and appreciate those you have and are surrounded by in life.
3. Your home
You got a roof over your head, a place to sleep, you have food to eat and wake up in. No matter how hard your day gets, you get to go back to your home, relax and feel secure, some people don’t have the luxury of this. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
4. Your bed
In addition to your home, you should be grateful to have a bed. The fact that we have a bed to sleep on is often ignored, whilst others sleep on torn up cardboard boxes on the streets and struggle to get peace through those rough, cold nights. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
5. Clean water
Don’t forget that not everyone has access to water. We aim to get six to eight glasses or more water a day, but some people don’t even get the one. Be grateful for clean water.
6. Your health
Look after yourself and appreciate your mind, body and health. Eat nutritiously and feed your soul. Never neglect your health, health is one of the most important things you need throughout life. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
7. Food
Try to remember the last hearty, delicious meal you had. Now think about that wonderful feeling you had when you ate it. Food makes us feel good from the inside, food is very comforting, everyone needs it but not everyone gets it and some people have to work very hard for a couple of grains that they share amongst their families. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
8. Clothes and shoes
My mother grew up in a tiny home in India, at the age of 6, being very poor and unable to buy sandals, she would walk with her little brother and sister to school. The heat of the Sun would burn their feet and they would walk on the broken glass along the way. It’s easy to take for granted, appreciate the fact that you have clothes to wear and shoes to walk in daily. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
9. Technology
Nowadays, technology is everywhere. Some people believe that technology is an issue in modern society. To others it makes a huge positive difference in their lives, just to be able to connect with loved ones in faraway countries.
10. Money
Today, we need money to make a living. It is a necessity, sure, you may have the luxury of being able to run away from your privileged life to go to a forest to live off nuts and fruit. Some people work tough shifts and long hours every day just to make 1% of what you make. Next time you spend money, take a moment to think about this.
11. Time
“Learn to be praise what you have, before time makes you praise what you had”
Time has value, for us it is limited, spend time with loved ones and spend time doing what you love. Life is short and should be lived well.
12. Fresh air and nature
We should appreciate the moments we get to spend in nature and the fresh air we breathe. Nature provides clarity and fresh air provides longevity. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
13. Books
Books are valuable, they are a source of knowledge and wisdom. A book can help you see through other peoples eyes, you feel empathy when you read about what it’s like to live someone else’s life. You can learn new things and open your mind. Be thankful for books.
14. Freedom
The the choice to be able to do what you like. Your life is determined by your own actions. However, even though we have this freedom, we complain about our jobs, about family and friends and other things like beliefs and society. Freedom is often taken for granted.
15. Kindness and gratitude
Be grateful for the kindness and gratitude of others and show appreciation. Deal others how you would treat family and friends, remember, kindness is contagious. Be ready to do things out of comfort and never expect anything in return.
16. Your job
Someone is relying on you to do good work and you receive something back for your service. Always be happy and put passion in whatever you do. Not all jobs are easy and some people struggle to find work and would give anything to be in your position. Be Thankful Scripture | Be Thankful | Things To Be Thankful For | Be Thankful to GOD
17. Your brain
Appreciate your brain. For all the knowledge you have from everything that you have learnt, and all the memories you have.
18. Your heart
Be grateful for your heart, for making you feel love and compassion. For encouraging the decisions that you make.
19. Yourself
Appreciate who you are, the person you have become. Be proud of yourself for getting through all the things that made you who you are, and got you where you are.  

20. LIFE      

Be thankful for life.
So today, take a moment to appreciate all of the things that you should be grateful for and don’t forget to share it with loved ones.

Be Thankful Scripture, Be Thankful, Things To Be Thankful For, Be Thankful to GOD, be thankful verse, be thankful always, be thankful in all things, Hindiaup

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